High Accuracy
Faster Extractions
Easy to Integrate
Accurate data extraction is crucial to the success of any automation or RPA process. The printing paper and scanner quality have an impact on the accuracy of the OCR extractions. Another issue is processing time, as some OCR modules take more than 5 seconds per page to process.
Extrieve Data Extraction is designed on top of splicer, which performs various preprocessing operations such as noise reduction, segmentation and layout analysis prior to performing OCR extractions. This increases accuracy and decreases processing time. Within a second, a page can be processed in a server environment.
Apart from images, the Data Extraction engine can optionally extract text from other PDF and office documents. This can be accomplished by the use of an SDK or a microservice.
The extraction module supports the following configurations.
- Page extraction – In this mode, the text and area is extracted and shared in json/xml format.
- Key Value pair – In this Data dictionary with key value details can be configured.
- Tabular Data – This configuration is used to extract data in tabular format. This format is suitable for invoices and bank statements data extractions.
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